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Ask Questions

Ask Questions

In recent years, I've encountered numerous young professionals who hesitate to ask questions in small or large work settings, particularly when they don't fully understand something. This reluctance often stems from a fear of appearing uninformed or perceiving that senior leaders may not value curiosity, even within internal meetings. Additionally, many young professionals struggle with uncertainty regarding how to assert themselves professionally.

When I observe this behavior, three key points come to mind:

  1. Missed Opportunities for Collective Learning: Others in the meeting likely have similar questions but refrain from asking them. This shared hesitation is a missed opportunity for collective learning and growth. When questions are left unasked, everyone misses the chance to deepen their understanding.

  2. Leaders Appreciate Curiosity: Effective leaders welcome questions as they provide opportunities to share insights and knowledge. Most experienced professionals are eager to support the growth of their junior colleagues and appreciate those who actively seek to learn. Asking questions can be seen as a sign of engagement and a desire to contribute meaningfully.

  3. Actions Speak Louder Than Thoughts: Young professionals must understand that organizations evaluate them based on their actions and verbal contributions, not just their internal thoughts. Demonstrating curiosity and a proactive approach to learning is highly valued and reflects a commitment to personal and professional development.

My advice? If you struggle to find your voice in professional settings, start by taking small steps to build your confidence in asking questions and expressing curiosity. Commit to asking at least one question weekly, whether in a large meeting or a smaller group setting. Over time, this practice will help you become more comfortable voicing your thoughts, seeking knowledge, and ultimately contributing more effectively to your organization’s success.

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