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Follow Your North Star

Updated: Jul 25

Follow Your North Star

Anchoring yourself with strong moral principles is indispensable, not just to your professional journey but to your world and life. Your principles will act as your ethical and behavioral compass amidst the countless, often challenging, decisions you encounter. Over my career, I’ve held firm to three guiding tenets that serve as my North Star:

  1. Do great work: Merely meeting expectations isn't enough. You must challenge yourself to consistently produce exceptional work. While achieving groundbreaking results may not always be possible, aiming higher than the status quo, pushing your limits, and striving for excellence should be the norm.

  2. Do the right thing: We inherently know what is right and wrong, yet we sometimes veer off course. It's crucial to listen to your inner voice and resist the temptation to compromise your integrity.

  3. Be your best self: There's a lot of talk these days about authenticity. That's great, but there can be a big gap between your authentic self and your work self. That's why I advocate for bringing your best self. Recognizing that not every day allows for complete authenticity, especially in professional settings, is important. And if that gap is too vast, it's probably not the right job for you.

While these principles have served me well, it's crucial for each individual to personally craft their own guiding philosophy. This is not about grandiose declarations like 'Change the World' but about offering practical guidance for navigating the complexities of professional life that resonate with your unique values and aspirations.

My advice?

Whether pondering daily decisions or confronting formidable challenges, use these principles, your own, or a combination of them, as your steadfast companions on your journey toward personal and professional growth.

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